Hugging your kids during their tantrums isn't just a loving gesture; it's a powerful tool for their emotional and cognitive ...
Parents who manage their expectations usually stay close to their adult kids. They recognize that they're not the center of ...
A supportive, loving husband, a hands on father, who helps even with domestic chores, finds time to spend with their children ...
A convicted child sex abuser will likely spend the rest of his life in prison.   Garry Lee Giles, 82, plead guilty to five ...
Parenting is one of those things you think you can prepare for it all you want—until you find yourself Googling “toddler won’t eat anything but ketchup” at 2 a.m. And while I fully support therapy, ...
Police officials recently arrested a sex offender after he was found to be "in violation of his bond" by filming children at ...
Assad's forces detained mothers and children and sent many of the youth to orphanages. Syrians whose children vanished during ...