CONTENT: 8 Scarlet & Violet Sleeved Booster Packs, each containing 10 cards, for a total of 80 cards. RANDOM CARD SELECTION: Encounter a diverse assortment of Pokémon cards in each booster pack.
Pokémon TCG Heat Wave Arena is a small but mighty set, featuring impeccable art. Here are the 10 most expensive Heat Wave Arena chase cards.
The Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) has captivated collectors and players for nearly three decades, with some of its rarest cards commanding staggering prices at ...
The decks in the “Gible Drop Event” focus on fighting-type cards from Gible’s evolutionary line. The signature cards in the ...
Scarlet & Violet booster packs, and 65 card sleeves featuring Koraidon or Miraidon. This also comes with 45 Pokémon TCG Energy cards, a player’s guide to the Scarlet & Violet expansion ...