Chipping. One of the most hard-to-ignore powder coating defects is chipping. When large flakes of the finish just break away ...
The typical electrostatic spray powder-coating setup can be expensive, though, and not necessarily suitable for every workpiece. Enter the fluidized-bed powder coating chamber, perfect for ...
The Powder Coating Equipment Market is advancing with automation, sustainability, and efficiency, driven by evolving industry demands and the adoption of AI-driven and robotic coating systems.Austin, ...
[Pete] had a friend who would powder coat metal parts for him, but when he needed 16 metal parts coated, he decided he needed to develop a way to do it himself. Some research turned up the fluid ...
In spray coating applications, fine powder, often a polymer, is drawn from a storage container, fluidized, and then sprayed through a charged nozzle onto a substrate. It is crucial that the powder ...
powder coatings, can- and coil coatings, wood coatings and printing inks. SASOLWAX LC Spray 30 G and LC Spray 30 G-EF deliver exceptional surface protection, slip, rub resistance and gloss control ...