A "return to play" reverses a trend educators have described over the past decade, from pre-K to second grade, away from in-class play and activities.
A graph shows middle-of-the-year MAP test performance for Fort Worth ISD third-graders in reading for the 2024-25 school year in comparison to the district’s five-year targets. Fort Worth ISD ...
Dorchester District Two (DD2) recently brought two new reading programs to schools to help students become ... Summerville Elementary School (SES) aims for new programs to improve students’ MAP and ...
Where the district redirected resources to offer students more support in reading, students showed improvement on mid-year MAP assessments, she said. In the coming weeks and months, the district ...
️ About 88 percent of Rhode Island students attend school in a district where the average reading levels are behind ... This story first appeared in Rhode Map, our free newsletter about ...
Bethlehem City Council voted on pay increases for several of its elected officials. Specifically, increases for the council, council president, mayor and controller.
The Reading School District wants feedback on its communication practices and community engagement efforts. To that end, the ...
The Reading School District has purchased a 22,500-square-foot warehouse on Rockland Street for $2.7 million, district officials announced Monday. “This building purchase ensures we have the ...
If you’re looking to see if the reading education reform law that passed in Wisconsin in 2023 is having any effect, don’t look so much to state government, where disputes and delays have meant ...
A new Ohio Department of Education and Workforce report shows slight decrease in schools needing literacy intervention.
Schools that have adopted science of reading curriculum, even without state money, say they are seeing results.