and agree or decline their child’s participation in the research study. Investigators should follow the required elements of informed consent when preparing a Parental Consent Form, except that the ...
Obtaining informed consent is more than getting a signature on a form. Informed consent is one of the primary ethical considerations underlying research with human subjects. ALL human subject research ...
using language appropriate to your specific research, setting, and participants. There is no need to utilize the UAB IRB’s Sample Consent form for consent processes in exempt research. Your consent ...
a model consent form included in the protocol and listed in the Table of Contents of the protocol with the same wording, or in the contract or agreement. An explanation of whom to contact for answers ...
Informed consent is more than just a form; it is a process that actively involves the participant. It is an "ongoing exchange of information between the investigator and [participant]" per the OHRP.
The information and sample documents in the compliance form section are provided to help researchers develop consent and assent documents customized to the design of the individual research project.