The Senate’s rural renaissance legislation is a bold, comprehensive approach to build on and modernize some of our longstanding economic development programs with a focus on infrastructure, not ...
This article is adapted from “Remote Work and the Coronavirus,” by Roberto Gallardo and Richard Florida, published by the Purdue ... that are far less amenable to remote work. First, rural counties ...
Covid-19 continued its record-breaking spread in rural counties last week, climbing by more than 16% over the previous week and placing six out of every 10 rural counties on the red-zone list. Just ...
Rural counties also lose talented young residents who go to urban ... without leaving the area to take classes or to student teach. Multiple states, like Florida, Texas and Washington, already offer ...
According to the North Florida Economic Development Partnership, there are at least 1,000 fewer workers in Taylor County today than when the Georgia Pacific plant was operating. The Florida ...