A leading advocacy group said a new Ohio bill to prohibit mental health service to minors without parental consent would ...
A bill that requires parental consent for contraception, treatment for sexually transmitted infections for minors was OK'd by ...
Log into your 23andMe account. If you previously opted to allow 23andMe and third-party researchers to use your data for ...
After a clinic’s decision to “give it to him anyway,” one state’s Supreme Court cleared the way for a family’s lawsuit over a COVID-19 shot administered without […] ...
Delaware House Bill 46, introduced by House Republican Bryan Shupe (RD-36), looks to adjust the state's current abortion laws ...
The North Carolina Supreme Court ruled on Friday that a mother and son can sue a public school system and a doctors’ group ...
The teenager told workers he didn't want a vaccination, and he lacked a signed parental consent form to get one, according to ...
More than 420 entertainment industry insiders, led by Natasha Lyonne, signed an open letter urging the government to uphold ...
Stalin also shared on social media a letter dated Aug 30, 2025, from Pradhan, highlighting a paragraph where the Union minister wrote: “… after receiving the undertaking, a draft MoU was sent ...
The school also participated in “Love for L.A.,” which involved creating letters of hope and collecting socks for schools devastated by the wildfires in Los Angeles. The College of Staten ...
What’s on your mind? Join our community conversations and let your voice be heard by writing a letter to the editor. Letters can be a maximum of 250 words, and are subject to editing for ...
The city of Charleston is lucky to have Colette Dixon. I applaud the letter in Tuesday's Post and Courier that had some suggestions for reducing government spending. The imposition of tariffs was ...