Hulking men in tartans and kilts, women in tartans and kilts, 16- to 56-pound objects being heaved, swords being swung, whiskey being drunk, Irish jigs, pipes and drums, Highland cows and Gypsy ...
The black, red, gray and pink design honors the thousands of individuals—mostly women—who were persecuted under the Scottish Witchcraft Act ...
Baird Tartan Tartan Scotland Shop Scottish tartans hold a deep cultural significance, representing clan heritage, regional pride, and centuries of tradition. Among the many recognized tartans, Baird ...
The Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History will be filled with the skirl of bagpipes on April 5 when the Ruby B. Archie ...
Credit: Scottish Register of Tartans In collaboration with designer ... Mitchell and Campbell expect their Witches of Scotland kilts to launch in May. However, unlike other tartan patterns, ...
The Scottish designer, musician, film-maker tells us what style means to her as she stars in Kirsty Wark’s new BBC Scotland ...
Lee materialized this idea with a shock of cinched-in patent leather trench coats, long kilts layered over trousers ... by the Scottish Registrar of tartans as a “Corporate” variety) to ...
Lydon said: “I’ve always liked tartans. I made tartan clothing for us when we were young so I’ve always had an affection towards tartan or plaid. “I went to a kilt store in Glasgow a while ...