A rare footage of a female snow leopard with three cubs captured in Gilgit-Baltistan has gone viral, highlighting a positive ...
Snow leopards are currently listed as “vulnerable” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of ...
A female snow leopard with her three male cubs were captured in a single frame in Gilgit-Baltistan with the expert who caught them calling it an extraordinary event for snow leopards to ...
Snow leopards are among the world’s most elusive ... Known locally as the “ghost of the mountains,” they camouflage easily in their natural habitat of the Karakoram Mountain range in ...
This elusive big cat, which favours rugged terrain and high-altitude cliffs, is best seen in Hemis National Park. These sheep, the primary prey of snow leopards, have a bluish-grey coat for camouflage ...