The core of a massive cluster of galaxies appears to be pumping out far more stars than it should. Now researchers at MIT and ...
The Bullseye is now confirmed to have nine rings, eight of which are visible to Hubble. Researchers confirmed the existence ...
In 2011, a project that surveyed the Milky Way galaxy for exoplanets — which are planets beyond our solar system — spotted an ...
A galaxy in the distance, was tightly encircled by a halo of light—also known as an Einstein Ring, a result of gravitational ...
Kokoro Hosogi, a physics student at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), has achieved a rare honor for an ...
Meet cosmic characters like Sprout, Luna, Sunny, and more as they compete in the Galaxy Games.
Supermassive black holes are seen as sources of wanton cosmic destruction, but there may be more to their powerful influence ...
Today, LOLtron brings you Galaxy of Madness #6 ... to die tragically like Batman's – they simply wandered off into space! LOLtron theorizes they saw their child's therapy bills coming and ...
Dave Bautista played the fun and deadly Drax in three Guardians of the Galaxy movies, but it is not likely he will come back ...
Jets blasting from supermassive black holes cause gas to cool and fall toward that cosmic ... most massive black holes at the hearts of seven galaxy clusters. The team found that when jets ...