Researchers discovered a royal tomb that is over 3,600 years old in Abydos, Egypt. The entryway of the tomb was decorated ...
Claims that researchers discovered previously unknown structures beneath the Pyramid of Khafre — the pyramid situated in the ...
The ancient Egyptians are known for their extraordinary works of art and architecture, yet, experts are also interested in ...
The team noted that some remains belong to people who had done very little physical activity during their lifetimes while ...
The House of Truth
Despite more than  200 years of archaeological discoveries that disprove this Creation Myth as just that - a myth, a ...
Scientists have discovered intriguing skeletons hidden in an Egyptian pyramid. Being laid to rest in an Egyptian pyramid is traditionally assumed to have been an honour reserved for the wealthy ...
It is a huge archaeological discovery. But who in Ancient Egypt was it built for? Egyptologists have been left puzzled.
“Pyramid schemes” aren’t just for the wealthy. Archaeologists have long theorized that Egyptian pyramid tombs were reserved for the elite. However, analysis of skeletons belonging to ...
Researchers Corrado Malanga from the University of Pisa and Filippo Biondi from the University of Strathclyde used Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) tomography to scan the Khafre Pyramid, uncovering an ...
For years, Egyptologists have assumed pyramid tombs were just for the rich – but the burials at a site called Tombos don’t ...