What do museum professionals think should be in every job description in the cultural sector? “Steady nerves and a lot of patience,” agree Dr Helge Nieswandt and Dr Torben Schreiber. Helge Nieswandt, ...
For proof, look no further than the colors it chooses for the Super Bowl logo. The premise of the alleged conspiracy is that the colors in the NFL's official Super Bowl logo correspond to the ...
UB hereby grants to you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable use of our logo files for university-approved use only. Use by third parties is granted only for ...
To mark the auspicious occasion, the Singaporean Embassy has introduced a logo that won a competition organised last year by the embassy, the foreign ministries of both countries and the Royal ...
The University of Greifswald now provides seven international degree courses that are taught in English: 'Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation', 'Earth Sciences', 'History and Culture of the ...
The Faculty of Technology of the Ruhuna University will be closed for one week from today following an assault on the Sub-Warden, his wife and mother by a group of students yesterday (Feb. 26).
The University of Ruhuna has been closed from 4.00 p.m. today (10) until further notice, says Vice-Chancellor of the university. The decision was taken owing to a clash between the students’ union and ...