Astronomers Learn About Alien Galaxy's Evolution Through Images, Believe 'Something Significant Happened Not Too Long Ago' ...
"That's weird," said Weisz. According to the standard model, the dwarf galaxies should approach the dark matter halo — within which a large galaxy is growing from all angles — and therefore swarm ...
"Everything scattered in the Andromeda system is very asymmetric and perturbed. It does appear that something significant ...
"By putting together the individual results, like in a puzzle, we reconstruct the formation history of these systems." ...
The researchers are now looking for more of these weird galaxies to learn more about how stars were forming in the first 1 ...
For instance, Weisz says it's odd that half of the mini galaxies around Andromeda seem to follow the same plane, orbiting in the same direction. "That's weird. It was actually a total surprise to find ...
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Located 2.5 million light-years away, the majestic Andromeda galaxy appears to the naked eye as a faint, spindle-shaped object roughly the angular size of the full moon. What backyard observers don't ...
While many galaxies visibly display two or three rings of stars, a galaxy called LEDA 1313424 — 567 million light-years distant in the constellation Pisces — appears to have nine, caused by a ...
For instance, Weisz says it's odd that half of the mini galaxies around Andromeda seem to follow the same plane, orbiting in the same direction. "That's weird. It was actually a total surprise to ...
Located 2.5 million light-years away, the majestic Andromeda galaxy appears to the naked eye as a faint, spindle-shaped object roughly the angular size of the full Moon. What backyard observers don't ...
Dozens of dwarf galaxies swarming around the Andromeda Galaxy like bees have been caught on camera by the Hubble Space Telescope, which took more than a thousand orbits of the Earth to take enough ...