This randomized controlled trial conducted in Kenya and Uganda assessed whether fractional doses of the 17D-204 yellow fever ...
Kenya Airways (KQ) has shed light on the medical ... Other health requirements include a yellow fever vaccination certificate for travellers arriving from countries where yellow fever is endemic ...
Small doses of the yellow-fever vaccine shield adults from the viral disease as effectively as the standard dose, suggests a clinical trial in Kenya and Uganda 1. Manufacture of the vaccine is ...
Yellow fever vaccine is highly effective with a single dose, but vaccine supply is limited. The minimum dose requirements for seroconversion remain unknown. In this double-blind, randomized ...
People travelling from Angola have already exported the virus to China, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo. WHO has warned that Uganda, DRC and Angola have active yellow fever outbreaks.
More Deadly Than War After the Spanish-American War of 1898, during which far more U.S. troops died from yellow fever than in battle, another board came to Cuba in 1900 to study the disease ...
Victims suffered from jaundice, high fever and black vomit. For more than two hundred years, yellow fever — as the disease became known — attacked numerous American cities, usually in severe ...
Kenya: Kenyans crossing over to Tanzania will not be forced to undergo yellow fever vaccination, Tanzanian Minister for East African Affairs Samuel Sitta has said. Instructing Immigration ...