Wolverine has made his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut, with Hugh Jackman returning to play the mutant in Deadpool & Wolverine. Jackman’s return reminded everyone why he’s the longest tenured ...
T he Marvel Cinematic Universe has become so self-reflexive, so closed-off to the dealings of the real world, that its movie ...
When Disney announced their acquisition of 20th Century Fox in 2019, Marvel fans knew it was only a matter of time before the X-Men joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s been five years of a slow ...
Brave New World is online, and the next Marvel Studios movie is expected to take in between $81M - $107M domestically when it ...
Gordon Reynolds, a name included in Blake Lively’s end credit thank yous for the movie adaptation of It Ends With Us, has added even more to the ongoing drama surrounding the film.
Deadpool's healing factor basically makes him unkillable, but Marvel Comics just revealed the latest weapon that can easily ...