Whether worn as jewelry or placed in your workspace, Lapis Lazuli creates a calming atmosphere that encourages self-awareness, emotional healing, and inner peace. (Centre of Excellence).
Vedic healing uses gemstones to balance the three doshas: Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. Moonstone and emerald balance Pitta, amethyst and lapis lazuli balance Vata, while citrine and garnet uplift Kapha.
Lapis lazuli is a vividly blue rock, sometimes with streaks of gold, that has been known for millennia for its eye-popping colour and use as a semi-precious gemstone. It gets its colour from the ...
For example, amethyst is known as a calming crystal, while rose quartz brings love and emotional healing. Lapis lazuli will promote clarity and peace and black yourmaline carries grounding properties.