Pro-monarchists in Nepal on Thursday announced to intensify their agitation by organising a protest rally on Friday with the ...
‘The Liquid Landscape of Kathmandu Valley: Hiti Pranali Water Heritage’ is a new exhibition at Patan Museum to pay tribute to ...
The Limbu community’s six-year battle against the 3 billion Nepali rupee (US$21.8 million) Pathibhara cable car project, ...
The Department of Tourism has started issuing permits for the spring mountaineering season. So far, 58 climbers-40 men and 18 women-from eight mountaineering groups have obtained permission to scale ...
KATHMANDU, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Nepal has allowed 58 climbers to scale five peaks in the country during the spring climbing season by Tuesday. Forty-two permits were issued for Mount Annapurna I, the ...
Malaysian national car company Proton announced it has entered the Nepalese battery electric vehicle (BEV) market with the ...
Nepal's first fully electric pickup truck, the Riddara RD6 4WD, was unveiled on Monday at an event in Hattiban Resort, Pharping, allowing participants to test its off-road performance. The vehicle, ...
Nepal’s top leaders of the three major political parties, who met on Monday at the Prime Minister’s Office in Singhdurbar, agreed to form a selection committee to recommend chiefs of the two ...
Adityanath, who is the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, which borders Nepal, is a prominent leader of the BJP.
KATHMANDU, March 24 (Xinhua) -- Nepal's growth rate will hover around four percent until 2029 though it has set an ambitious target of 7.1 percent, the World Bank said on Monday.
The ban is not about the capability of our pilots or the competence of an individual airline; it is about the fact that Nepal ...
Nepal has achieved remarkable success in poverty reduction, nearly eradicating extreme poverty, largely driven by ...