Freddie Mahoney, Jack Mahoney and Luke Hutton pass the torch to 2025-26 captains Marco Peary, JD Buiel, Cole Bonner and Matt Walsh. - Photos by Marilyn Quilty Patriot League awards: Noah Edwards - All ...
Town Manager René Read updated the Selectboard the status of the town in the wake of the defeat of the Proposition 2 ½ budget override last Saturday. Read made his comments during the town manager’s ...
A season ago, a young Duxbury softball team gained valuable experience and came close to earning its first trip to the tournament since 2018. The Dragons lost three games in the bottom of the seventh, ...
The Proposition 2 1/2 override has been rejected by the voters, with 2,174 votes against and 1,981 votes in favor. This story will be updated.
Senior Erin Murphy (DHS ’21) represented Northeastern at the NCAA Zone A Diving Championships at Rutgers, competing in the ...
As a high school senior, Sam Worley (DHS ‘18) had every intention of running the Boston Marathon. Instead, life took him in a ...
When Sam Stapinski finished baseball season with a .000 average, it was a not-so-subtle giveaway that perhaps that wasn’t the high school sport for him. “It’s more impressive than going for a full 1,” ...
Duxbury Bay Management Commission Member Peter Quigley is putting his money where his mouth is. He’s donating $10,640 dollars to the town for the purpose of a new water quality study of Duxbury Bay.
Committee size cut The Selectboard approved a request by the Alternative Energy Committee to reduce its membership from 11 to seven. Chairman Wendell Cerne told the Board that the Committee currently ...
Are you missing the Duxbury Spring Antique Show? Don’t fret, local antique fans! The 42nd Annual Duxbury Boosters Spring Antique Show is set to dazzle on April 26 and 27.  This year, the Boosters Club ...
It’s finally time to vote. After months of meetings, public forums, comments on Facebook that pit generations against each other,  and letters to the Clipper, Duxbury voters will finally decide ...