The lessons to learn are: avoid war, and the drum-beating that precedes it. And avoid technocratic utopian groupthink; avoid ideologies masquerading as science. The Nazi Hunger Plan was devised by an ...
With 'On Freedom', the Yale historian and leading Trump critic explains exactly what freedom is, and lays out why it's worth ...
Channel 4 has released a first look at its upcoming drama Trespasses, which tells a forbidden love story against the backdrop ...
Snyder’s 2010 book, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin, chronicled the lethal danger faced by Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic states from 1930 to 1945, when 14 million people were ...
Simon the dad is going to be portrayed by Cold Feet and Bloodlands star James Nesbitt and be joined by the likes of Gavin and Stacey’s Ruth Jones and Good Will Hunting star Minnie Driver.
Cold Feet and Bloodlands star James Nesbitt will portray Simon, the father, alongside Gavin and Stacey's Ruth Jones and Good Will Hunting star Minnie Driver. Run Away is currently in production ...
Williams to Summerwater by Sarah Moss, Channel 4 have been adapting a lot of brilliant books into TV shows and next on the ...
So, we see many interesting books of ideas that are very far from ... In your interview with Timothy Snyder, you discussed about Bloodlands and the historical roots of the anti-Ukrainian sentiment.
Two of his books — “Bloodlands” and “Black Earth” — are, in my opinion, required reading for anyone who wants to understand the inner workings of the Holocaust, and the geopolitics ...