Cattle sales of up to €9,200 for home-bred pedigrees are the result of the Searsons’ commitment to quality bloodlines and a strong family work ethic.
Introduced in 1965, the USDA Yield Grade system has not been updated since its release even though cattle and technologies ...
The Walker family is transforming their 800-cow beef farm with data-driven decisions and cutting-edge tech for smarter, more efficient farming.
Base quotes for clean U-3 grading cattle have been maintained at a best of 620p/kg for both steers and heifers.However, much ...
For the week ending March 21, western Canadian feeder cattle markets were relatively unchanged compared to seven days earlier ...
Kristian Rennert, a cattle rancher from Elm Creek, Neb., says extreme winds and a blizzard rolled in late last night after a ...
The males are finished as under 16-month bull beef. Some of the heifers are kept for breeding, while those which are not are ...
The calf trade is booming with continentals reaching up to €1,110, while Jersey calves, which farmers were giving away for ...
Prices still rising for an entry of 1032 cattle at Clogher Mart on Saturday 15th ... In the fatstock ring 270 lots listed sold easily with beef bred cows selling to £3074-40 for an 840kg Charolais to ...
It’s a direct to consumer beef business, jointly operated by the three partners, aimed at delivering quality products and ...