Scott Park, which sits downtown on Larry Holmes Drive ... which will renovate four West Ward pocket parks, Hopkins said. “The pocket parks are smaller improvements,” he said.
DUNCAN, Okla. (KAUZ) - Duncan is adding a fresh splash of green to its historic downtown with a cozy Pocket Park - a small, ...
Three pocket parks with views of downtown waterways are in the early design stage. Napa’s redevelopment agency solicited comments Monday from people with downtown interests for a creekside plaza ...
The Niagara Falls Planning Board will consider a site plan proposal at its meeting today that would create a pocket park on the ... t want to leave an empty lot downtown during the summer.
The Pocket Park or what most people know it as, Eagles Rest, is a small area in downtown located next to the capital theater. The space provides a place for people strolling downtown to sit and relax.
This rendering shows what the pocket park would look like at 542 Main St. in downtown Dunedin looking from Grant Street. City officials agreed to move forward with the first phase of the project ...