The Flying Spur now has 782bhp. As standard. That got your attention. It's not a sledgehammer sports-saloon like some big Brabus Mercedes, nor a pillowy uber-lux limo like a Rolls-Royce.
The Eberron Unearthed Arcana introduces nine new magic items that feel almost industrial. Plus, the feedback survey is open. In the latest Eberron Unearthed Arcana, we got a hefty look at the new ...
The ship can be seen tilting to one side, sending crew members in the galley scrambling. In all, 16 people were injured. Crown Princess says at no point was the safety of the ship compromised.
This article is being updated regularly! Below is a list of recent updates: March 2: Massive overhaul of the list. All entires have been double-checked for highest accuracy possible. The tragic events ...
Last month, the Taiwanese coast guard identified 52 "suspicious" Chinese-owned ships flying flags of convenience from Mongolia, Cameroon, Tanzania, Togo and Sierra Leone for close monitoring ...
One Piece chapter 1141 spoilers were expected to focus on Figarland Shamrock and the Holy Knights as they began their plan to abduct Elbaphian children from the Walrus School. Unofficially leaked ...
New Unearthed Arcana updates classic campaign setting content. Dragonmark Feats in Eberron will now be classed as Feats with upgradeable options. Artificer receives updates, including a new ...
For readers unfamiliar with “The Boys,” the Prime Video series has earned quite the reputation for its gory dark humor; think exploding genitalia and man-eating, flying sheep. “The Boys ...
All the recent aviation disasters and close calls have people worried about the safety of flying. The midair collision that killed 67 near Washington D.C. last month was the worst disaster.
Retired colonel shows what territory Ukraine could lose in possible deal ...
But the most satisfying part is still kicking an enemy directly and watching the ragdoll corpse fly off a wall and back toward your boot, where you can send it flying ... fleet of ships to defend ...
Taiwan has identified 52 “suspicious” Chinese-owned ships flying flags of convenience from Mongolia, Cameroon, Tanzania, Togo and Sierra Leone for close monitoring, the coast guard said in ...