Problems cannot be denied, but "baby boomers" and many newly created jobs are helping to ensure that Vienna is not doing so badly in comparison. Taking stock.
Growing up in a different time, plenty of baby boomers faced challenges that might seem irrelevant nowadays. From needing to walk an hour to get to school to going to work at a fairly young age ...
The housing world is a bit of a generational war zone, mostly between baby boomers and millennials. And baby boomers are sitting on particularly large homes that millennials who are starting ...
Younger generations often label Boomers as out of touch. Yet, even young people can agree that certain societal values and practices from their time are worth bringing back. Back in the day when ...
Many Baby Boomers will approach or reach the full retirement age by the end of 2025, yet only one in 10 are fully retired. The rising cost of living continues to increase and has forced many Baby ...
After living in Moorpark, California, for nearly two decades, Brenda Duncan Cusick had become an expert in wildfire evacuations. Cusick, 61, told Business Insider that she's had to flee the home ...
Here's a sampling of some train trips you can take (or rather, your boomer parents can take as a SKI trip (SKI is boomer slang for “spending kids’ inheritance”): ...
Born four decades apart, Cindy and Etcetera share their experiences in the new ABC iview series, OK Boomer, OK Zoomer, which pairs two LGBTQ+ people — one younger and one older — who discuss ...
What are the best Fallout New Vegas mods? Despite being over a decade old, Fallout New Vegas enjoys a thriving modding scene that has stood the test of time. In the 12 or so years since we first ...
What are the best Fallout 4 mods on PC? Despite having been around for nearly a decade, Fallout 4 remains one of the most popular games in the series, thanks in no small part to its vibrant ...