Thousands of black bears live in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. Here are some tips for staying safe as they ...
How's Philly's twice-a-week trash pickup going? In short, there's room for improvement. Plus, what Pa lawmakers said about ...
Omaha has perhaps the most distinct celebration in college basketball: banging trash cans. Here's why the Mavericks do it, ...
Cleanup crews work on a three-day window, collecting items set at the curbside after your assigned set-out day.
A fire broke out in the holding bin of a trash truck in Martinsville on Tuesday. Per a Martinsville Fire Department Facebook post, crews responded to North Mulberry Street ...
I live in a fairly small home, but the most compact space of all is the kitchen. It's so small that there isn't enough room ...
McDavid and his team at Eagle Dumpster Rentals have a simple pantry hack to keep pets away from trash cans and dumpsters. The solution they use consists of two common pantry staples, and you probably ...
It is the start of a trash change over in Waukesha. For the next three weeks the city is transitioning from Waste Management ...
Seminole was the first local government in the state to impose financial penalties on residents who fail to secure their trash.
Have you ever gotten to the end of, say, a jar of peanut butter and wondered if it should go in trash or recycling? If it’s worth rinsing out? And where will it actually end up? Journalist Alexander ...
The driver tried to put out the fire, but decided to dump the contents onto the road near a fire station after the fire spread.
Peanut butter jars, takeout containers and soft plastic wrap often end up in the recycling bin, contaminating viable plastic, ...