The potential benefits of AI for patient care may be overlooked if urgent steps are not taken to ensure that the technologies ...
In a new independent assessment of AI scribe technologies, the Peterson Health Technology Institute (PHTI) found evidence ...
An increasing investment in health technology assessment (HTA) in low-income and middle-income countries has generated ...
Digital voice recordings contain valuable information that can indicate an individual's cognitive health, offering a ...
Incorporating systems thinking into drug value assessment promises more realistic evaluations of the impact of new therapies, ...
The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective suppliers.
The thorny issue of value alignment: how development-focused health technology assessment can help find win-win situations for patients and healthcare systems and commercial investors. A different ...
Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143, United States ...
Providers must safeguard against the discrimination of patients in relation to their protected characteristics when considering the use of or deciding to use any digital technology. An equality and ...
We're working to improve the way we work, particularly following reviews by Dr Penny Dash and Professor Sir Mike Richards. Here we share news and updates about this work, as well as opportunities to ...
Lara Lewington, learns how health technology is focusing on prevention by bringing all of our data together in one place. This video is from BBC Click, the BBC’s flagship technology programme.