The City of Kenosha has launched its first "I Voted" Sticker Contest for local students in grades K4-12. In the contest, ...
Less than three months after Trump flipped the state, Nevada Republicans took the lead over Democrats in voter registration.
Indiana Senate Bill 10, which would curb the use of student IDs as valid voter identification, passed 6-3, with opponents ...
Sticker Mule CEO Anthony Constantino is once again seeking approval from Amsterdam's Zoning Board, this time not for a sign, ...
The city is launching a contest to come up with new looks. It's open to 4K-12 students who live in the city. A winner will be ...
NC Supreme Court candidate Jefferson Griffin is asking to have ballots cast by military and overseas voters removed, which is harmful to democracy.
Contest winners will have their designs printed and used as the “I Voted” stickers for the Spring Election to be held Tuesday ...