Kolkata: Several colleges under Calcutta University refused to participate in the Prime Minister's Internship Scheme (PMIS).
As we entered the newly opened Lucky Tigerr, the calm ambiance with its elegant centre-piece from China caught our attention.
Chennai: To ensure students pursuing basic sciences in arts and science colleges receive better exposure, the Tamil Nadu govt ...
Loreto College Wellness Cell in collaboration with IQAC, Loreto College, Kolkata, and the Food Committee organised a talk on Women's Health on March 17 at the college auditorium.
Beloved Kolkata professor Sajni Kripalani Mukherji remembered for her warmth, knowledge, and impact beyond the classroom.
The event on March 21 at Rabindra Sadan will feature Subodh Sarkar, Bratati Bandyopadhyay, Debshankar Haldar, among others ...
The Latino Culinary Institute at Dallas College is training students to be ‘food entrepreneurs’ through the Chispas program.