Ist die AfD rassistisch und will Grundrechte aushöhlen? Dazu öffentliche Aussagen von Parteifunktionären aus den vergangenen ...
The massive scope of inhumanity by an authoritarian government should concern us all. The deceitful sign entering Auschwitz, ...
Ihr Browser unterstützt die Wiedergabe von Audio Dateien nicht. Download der Datei als mp3: ...
a Ukrainian watchdog tracking Russian propaganda, Halyna Petrenko spoke to RSF about Russia’s strategies to spread disinformation on social media, and identified the people working behind the scenes.
"So, look, we can recognize that Chinese AI is a real competitive threat without losing our minds over it and falling for CCP [Chinese Communist Party] propaganda." FOX Business' Suzanne O ...
SWEETWATER, Tenn. — Police said they are investigating after a wave of "hate propaganda" flyers were spotted in areas of East Tennessee and across the United States this week. The hate flyers ...
Terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad released a propaganda video on Monday of Israeli civilian Arbel Yehud – who is due to be released later this week after being ...
Moore sind extrem bedrohte Ökosysteme. Schlecht ist das nicht nur für die Natur, sondern auch fürs Klima. Jetzt setzt sich auch in Deutschland langsam die Erkenntnis durch: Das Moor braucht ...
Turkey's government is ambivalent toward television series, as it also uses them as a propaganda platform to influence public opinion and spread its ideological values. While private productions ...
A twisted propaganda video Hamas terrorists published in an attempt to spin the four hostages’ release Saturday in a celebratory light after they were held 477 days in captivity was slammed by ...