Far-left political party La France Insoumise has again been accused of antisemitism. This time it's because of an image that ...
The White House said Tuesday that pro-Hamas propaganda was distributed at the campus protests Khalil organized. “This administration is not going to tolerate individuals having the privilege of ...
Khalil was arrested Saturday by Department of Homeland Security officials — becoming the poster boy of a crackdown ... but also distributed pro-Hamas propaganda flyers with the logo of Hamas ...
Bald drei Jahre ist es her, seit die Schweiz dem Kauf von 36 US-amerikanischen F-35-Kampfjets zugestimmt hat. Kostenpunkt: sechs Milliarden Franken. Der erste Jet soll 2030 hierzulande eintreffen.
Der Einstieg eines elften Formel-1-Teams ist nun vom Internationalen Automobilverband und der Rennserie offiziell genehmigt worden. Das gab die Motorsport-Königsklasse gut eine Woche vor dem ...
Sie gründeten auf Lebensraum- und Sicherheitserwägungen, die durch rassistische und religiöse Argumente untermauert wurden. Die derzeitige israelische Regierung hat sich besonders lautstark und ...
It’s a sign of these extraordinary times that even the Kremlin’s old propagandists are scrambling to change their tune. Across state-controlled Russian media, disparaging references to “the ...
Renowned artist Matt Ferguson has also designed a brand-new poster to mark the re-release, which you can check out below. For many fans, Revenge of the Sith stands out as the best film of the ...
They have done previous international works but now they are just tools for this propaganda machine.” Bugrimova adds: “Art becomes a tool for the manipulation of the perception of Russia.
"Goes from 0 to 1939 in 3 seconds," says the poster from campaign group Everyone Hates Elon as a slump in European Tesla sales also makes headlines. By Lily Ford It appears Elon Musk has enemies ...