Dalam dunia yang semakin berkembang dengan kepelbagaian pilihan makanan, persoalan mengenai status halal sering menjadi topik utama dalam kalangan pengguna Muslim di Malaysia. Salah satu penanda aras ...
Menyedari cabaran yang dihadapi golongan ibu tunggal, SIRIM QAS International dengan penuh rasa tanggungjawab telah melaksanakan inisiatif Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat (CSR), ‘Kongsi Qaseh ...
BAGI setiap Muslim, mencari makanan halal bukan sekadar tuntutan pada bulan Ramadan, tetapi sepanjang hayat. Ia sebagaimana dinyatakan menerusi firman ALLAH SWT: “Wahai manusia, makanlah daripada apa ...
Social media users in Muslim-majority Malaysia have misleadingly claimed the popular American ice cream chain Baskin Robbins ...
Semalam, media melaporkan JAKIM mengemas kini senarai Badan Pensijilan Halal Luar Negara yang diiktiraf dengan menarik balik pengiktirafan terhadap tiga badan sedia ada serta mengumumkan perubahan ...
PETALING JAYA: A pastry company and its director were charged in two Sessions Courts here with 14 counts of using the halal logo and registered trademark without approval in the supply of 366 ...
The best free logo maker is a great choice for those who need to create logos for their businesses without paying for subscriptions or licenses. I'll cut to the chase: for a free logo designer ...
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) is reviewing the recognition procedures for Foreign Halal Certification Bodies (FHCB) to ensure they remain relevant and aligned ...
You’ll need to be quick getting your hands on the must-have shoe of the season! (Picture: Metro/M&S/Getty)) SHOPPING – Contains affiliated content. Products featured in this Metro article are ...
APM memindahkan seorang mangsa banjir di Kampung Si Rusa iaitu warga emas wanita berusia 70an ke PPS Kampung Sawah Sunggala, di sini, pagi tadi. -Foto APM PORT DICKSON – Sekurang-kurangnya 11 kediaman ...
For thousands of Bay Area Muslims, it also serves as the occasion for the year’s biggest halal food festival: Suhoor Fest, a mammoth convocation of food stalls, art and clothing vendors, and lively ...