Two hundred years have passed since the invention of braille, the tactile writing system that has transformed the lives of ...
Mansa Musa, emperor of Mali, is deemed the richest man in history, with wealth so vast that historians struggle to quantify it accurately.
Reverend Peter Crumpler says it makes "the council meetings no-go areas for religion". Growing numbers of people are breaking fast at the community Iftar, Muslim leaders say. In 11th-Century ...
A sweeping census on the state of American religion reveals a less sensational tale of Christianity in decline and a rise of the religiously unaffiliated compared to a decade ago. Pew Research ...
Americans’ overall perceptions of religion tilt positive, according to the survey, but appear to have cooled since 2014. Overall, 51% express mostly positive views of religious institutions ...
A major new study from Pew Research Center offers an in-depth look at the American religious landscape and how it’s changed over time. Researchers determined that the share of U.S. adults who ...
Organized religion was out of favor, “none of the above” was in, and houses of worship across the country were too busy dealing with aging congregations and rising building costs to find successful ...
The percentage of Americans who say religion is very important in their lives has been relatively stable in recent years, though it appears to be lower than it was in the 2007 and 2014 Religious ...
The religious profiles of U.S. adults – how religious they are and what religion they identify with – are closely aligned with their partisan political identities, according to the new Religious ...
Research Officer, Religion and Global Society, London School of Economics and Political Science “There is no time for imagination, religious or otherwise. We need to act now!” an irritated ...
A multidisciplinary and international research project has brought fresh insights into the origins and diversity of the populations that lived under and after the Hun empire between the late 4th ...
As Mali's mining sector faces growing tensions -- highlighted by the recent seizure of gold stocks from the Canadian company Barrick by the military government -- questions about economic ...