An afternoon of crawfishing turned near-death for an 82-year-old Louisiana man when he became hopelessly ... sinking rapidly into the thick mud. Despite his efforts to turn back, he was unable ...
OK, we're gonna make an approach in. An 84-year-old Indian River County man was safely rescued after getting lost in a marsh on Monday, according to Brevard County Sheriff's Office.Officials from ...
An Athens man lost over $70,000 in an alleged cryptocurrency ... money by investing in cryptocurrency. So, the 52-year-old man went to his bank and withdrew more than $70,000, according to an ...
A father of one “lost his head” when emerging from a house in a midlands housing estate armed with two large kitchen knives after another man had smashed the front door of his house with an ...
In 2025, Samvit Mishra successfully lost 19 kg in three months by focusing ... Samvit managed to lose 19 kilos in just three months. His story is a reminder that a sustainable lifestyle is enough ...
OUR L The St. John the Baptist Parish Sheriff's office rescued an 82-year-old Destrehan man after he became stranded in mud while crawfishing ... a half mile from his car. Sergeant Jonathan ...
Weighing 45 stone with his kidneys failing, Ioan Pollard from Caernarfon didn't know if he would live to see the morning. The 27-year-old needed a ... he almost lost his life.
A 31-year-old man was charged with abuse of a corpse after his mother was found dead inside her vehicle in Lancaster County on Monday. Kevin Ahn, who was listed as homeless from Schuylkill County ...
On January 16, K shot Ineke in the village of Weiteveen, near the German border in Drenthe, before entering the house and stabbing Sam multiple times in his bedroom, in front of the couple’s ...
A Bengaluru man lost his phone in a cab but was reunited after the driver found it and charged it. A Bengaluru man, who lost his phone in a cab near Hebbal, was reunited with it after an act of ...