Phoenix will unveil new art installations at parks across the city in coming months. The structures are not just art pieces – ...
As you sit underneath the shade of a tree, you are experiencing its canopy firsthand. In technical terms, a tree’s canopy ...
Discover how Petersburg's partnership with VSU is transforming Poplar Lawn Park — and how you can get involved.
A concerted effort to enhance the local tree canopy began seeing the fruits of its labor at the Feb. 18 Mount Pleasant GREEN ...
Zoo Atlanta has filed plans to renovate its giant panda habitat “in hopeful anticipation” of bringing the endearing bears ...
From tree giveaways, to community orchards to high-tech solutions, North Las Vegas is pulling together its resources to ...
The money is being distributed with equity in mind — more than 60% of the cash will go to historically underserved communities with less access to public greenspaces.
Mesa invites residents to plant trees during its "Love My Park Month" and aims to increase the city's tree canopy.
If there's one thing the Valley needs more of, it's shade. A new public project is getting artists involved in the mission.
The project will combine the existing park with an undeveloped parcel to the north and Springdale Pond to the west.
Tree conservation continues to be a priority for Mississippi Coast communities with Ocean Springs at the forefront.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or you’re new here, you’ve heard of the new Downtown Cary Park. Anyone I speak to in ...