Harvester Homecoming Museum houses Red Cross Clubmobile covered in the signatures of famous US military vets.
Somewhere along the line the Clubmobile girls got the nickname “Doughnut Dollies,” because they serve coffee and doughnuts as ...
Clara Barton is renowned as the nurse who established the American Red Cross, in addition to her humanitarian efforts and ...
Somewhere in South Korea, April 1959: Judy Haag, one of some 50 Red Cross women operating the organization’s Clubmobiles ...
Greeley City Council proclaimed March as American Red Cross Month, celebrating their deeds and noble mission to help out ...
In towns like Zanesville, Ohio, Jewish women mobilized not just for their own congregations, but for the broader public. In ...
The red cross on a white background is a direct reference to Milan ... The Cadillac coat of arms has a surprisingly long ...
Today’s regulatory gaps and health concerns about CBD reflect those of the 19th century, when cannabis was first commercialised by the food industry.
Red Engine, the operator of Flight Club and Electric Shuffle, will open sites in Kings Cross, Chicago and Newcastle this year ...
Hurricane Katrina forever changed not only the landscape of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, but also the lives of those living in ...