Massachusetts lawmakers want to restrict a type of rat poison that is particularly dangerous to birds, pets and wildlife.
In this week’s Parma Heights Police Blotter, , a concerned Beverly Drive animal lover called police about a large hawk caught ...
It’s not spring yet, but a red-tailed hawk is back at her spot under a Department of Transportation (TxDOT) camera with an egg in her nest! Since 2011, her nest has been in front of a TxDOT ...
When a red-tailed hawk ignores an offered meal, a variety of backyard scavengers — including blue jays, crows and even a squirrel — seize the unexpected feast amid harsh winter ...
The New England Wildlife Center released a red-tailed hawk back into the wild four months after it came to them because it ingested a type of rat poison known as an anticoagulant rodenticide.
One hawk’s story The New England Wildlife Center released a red-tailed hawk back into the wild four months after it came to them because it ingested a type of rat poison known as an ...