An adult or child with sickle cell disease may be eligible for benefits through Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) ...
Kelsi Victorian, 30, has been in and out of the hospital her whole life dealing with a disease that affects millions in the world.
Sickle cell disease commonly affects people of African and Caribbean backgrounds and can be life-threatening but campaigners ...
Scientists from Johns Hopkins Medicine and eight other institutions in the United States, Africa and Europe say they have ...
(Reuters) -Gene therapy, with its offer of a possible cure for rare diseases like sickle cell, is losing early investors to ...
The Long Island man had been coming to the hospital since he was 2 months old, now after 21 years he is cured. Read on to ...
Rare diseases affect one in 17 people in the UK, but a Government initiative designed to improve their quality of life will soon come to an end ...
A patient on Long Island is the first in New York to be cured of sickle cell anemia, doctors say. They credit state-of-the-art genetic treatment. For 21 years, Sebastien Beauzile suffered chronic pain ...
His eyes would turn yellow regularly due to ... You’re engineering those cells to recover from sickle cell disease and essentially fix the deficits that’s there. That in and of itself takes ...
The type 2 version of the disease affects both eyes, though not always with the same severity. CDMO Rentschler winds down operations at UK cell and gene therapy plant in strategic shift toward ...
People living with inflammatory conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, blood cancers and sickle cell anaemia, can have a higher risk of blood clots. The new study, published in the high ...