The next-generation Alfa Romeo Giulia is expected in 2026 and will be a fastback crossover, likely with hybrid and electric ...
W hile Alfa Romeo and custom coachbuilders such as Touring Superleggera conjure images of sun-bathed Italian hillsides, this ...
Luca Serafini, a virtual automotive designer based in Modena, Italy (aka 'lsdesignsrl' on social media), has imagined the ...
Donna Musilli, in her early 30s and living in Columbus, Ohio, had just earned a big bonus from her pharmaceutical sales job.
Romeo + Juliet, the just-closed Broadway production starring Kit Connor and Rachel Zegler, recouped its $7 million capitalization during its extended, sold-out 20-week limited engagement at Circle ...
Selvaggia Lucarelli ha commentato la classifica finale del Festival di Sanremo 2025, che ha decretato Olly come vincitore. La giornalista, non soddisfatta di alcune posizioni, non ha potuto fare a ...
The Sam Gold-directed Broadway revival of William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet completes its extended run at Circle in the Square Theatre February 16. The production officially opened October 24 ...
Durante il Festival di Sanremo 2025 la pubblicazione della classifica finale ha generato un acceso dibattito sia in sala Ariston che online, con molte critiche espresse da personaggi del mondo dello ...
Il Festival di Sanremo 2025 ha visto protagonista una figura carismatica e controversa: Selvaggia Lucarelli, la cui partecipazione al DopoFestival ha suscitato interesse e dibattito tra il ...
These pages may contain sponsored content provided by Alfa Romeo or created on its behalf. The sponsored content may include Alfa Romeo's promotional materials, advertisements, or other marketing ...
Tra crescita anemica e minacce dei dazi Usa "le ultime settimane hanno fornito un duro promemoria circa le vulnerabilità dell’Europa" considerando "la dipendenza dalla domanda estera".
“I’m from Brooklyn, so that New York attitude is within me,” said Romeo Hunte backstage right before his New York Fashion Week show tonight. You could say, then, that the designer was ...