Rosie is a freelance writer living in London. She has covered everything from ancient Egyptian temples to exciting medical breakthroughs, but she particularly enjoys writing about wildlife ...
We hope this homepage will serve as a gateway to information about the Council of Europe, its relations with the Republic of Moldova, as well as Council of Europe Office activities in Chisinau. We are ...
Harta riscului de sărăcie în 2023. Zonele de Sud-Est È™i Sud-Vest Oltenia sunt cele mai afectate. Zona BucureÈ™ti-Ilfov stă cel mai bine Regiunile Sud-Vest Oltenia, Nord-Vest, Centru È™i Sud-Muntenia au ...
Moldova's parliament has voted to impose a national state of emergency for 60 days starting on 16 December due to an expected cut-off of Russian gas supplies from 1 January. Fifty-six members in ...
Russian gas has stopped passing through Ukraine after a five-year deal expired, leaving Moldova at risk of a crisis. A group of women from diverse backgrounds have helped each other adapt to life ...
People in Moldova have backed the Eastern European country's proposed changes to its constitution and commitment to joining the EU by the thinnest of margins in a referendum. Official data put Yes ...
Demn de interes este proiectul unui drum de mare viteză în Bucovina, un proiect pomenit până acum mai mult în discuÈ›ii informale. Studiile de fezabilitate privind o autostradă între MaramureÈ™ È™i ...
În reprezentarea cartografică, Republica vecină se întinde ÅŸi pe teritoriul provinciei româneÅŸti Moldova, a Bucovinei ÅŸi o parte din Dobrogea. Harta a fost realizată la sfârÅŸitul secolului 18 de ...