Over the weekend, three Italian researchers looking in to the Giza necropolis - Professor Corrado Malanga and Filippo Biondi ...
Scientists have shared new details about a mysterious 'underground city' sitting beneath Egypt's Khafre Pyramid.
NEW secrets have been revealed about what lies below Egypt’s pyramids after scientists said they found an ancient city buried ...
A HIDDEN city has been found underneath the pyramids in a new bombshell discovery, scientists have claimed. Researchers from ...
Claims that researchers discovered previously unknown structures beneath the Pyramid of Khafre — the pyramid situated in the ...
Experts are refuting a viral claim about deep structures under the Giza plateau despite a wild theory circulating online.
Researchers discovered a royal tomb that is over 3,600 years old in Abydos, Egypt. The entryway of the tomb was decorated ...
Researchers from Italy and Scotland claim they've used radar to find the ancient city underground that's ten times bigger ...
The mystery only deepened when Italian researchers claimed to have discovered a 'vast underground city' from giant vertical ...
Researchers claim to have uncovered a vast underground city beneath the Giza pyramids, sparking heated debates among experts.
Have scientists discovered giant structures beneath the pyramids, including columns extending hundreds of meters into the ground?
Could there be a ‘vast underground city’ beneath the Pyramids of Giza? Egypt’s desert holds many secrets, even after ...