Debbie Monfries, 64, says the boxes - some of which are 6ft tall - have "ruined" passing trade at Umana Yana in Herne Hill, south London, as potential customers can't see the restaurant.
Debbie Monfries, 64, says the boxes have 'ruined' passing trade at Umana Yana in Herne Hill, south London. Some of the boxes are 6ft tall, which she says has meant potential customers cannot see ...
Debbie Monfries, 64, claims the towering boxes, some reaching 6ft in height, have "ruined" passing trade at Umana Yana in Herne Hill, south London, as they block potential customers' view of her ...
Scoping meetings have been scheduled for what is intended to be ExxonMobil’s eighth petroleum project here. A notice in yesterday’s Stabroek News said ...
Information sessions have been scheduled for what is intended as the seventh oil extraction project for ExxonMobil and its partners. A notice in ...
A gran's 13-year battle to remove five large telecom boxes from outside her Caribbean restaurant in Herne Hill has been discussed in Parliament.
A grandmother's 13-year battle to remove five large telecom boxes from outside her Carribbean restaurant has been discussed in Parliament. Debbie Monfries, 64, says the boxes have 'ruined' passing ...