Many of us say we would die for our country. But are we willing to wind up alive in a cage for an even higher principle?
A new museum is opening in Texas highlighting the lives and service of Medal of Honor recipients from the Civil War to the ...
Mike Ruminski was drafted into the Army in June 1967 and volunteered to serve on long-range patrols when his unit was shipped ...
As of 2009, there were NO living recipients of the Medal of Honor from Iraq OR Afghanistan. Then, at a press conference, ...
THE VIETNAM WAR The Landmark Documentary Event by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick Returns Thursday, March 27 at 9:00 pm Episode One: “Deja Vu (1858-1961)” After a long and... Read More ...
These assaults on higher education are nothing new. They are part of a historical pattern: when education threatens ...
In the 1960s and 1970s, high school student-led activism successfully reshaped school districts across the country.
Morris received the Medal of Honor for his valorous actions on September 17, 1969, while commanding the Third Company, Third Battalion of the IV Mobile Strike Force near Chi Lang, Vietnam. Then-Staff ...
In the summer of 1967, then 18-year-old George Cushman IV was headed off to the University of Florida as the Vietnam War raged. ROTC was mandatory for ...
S omething that a lot of war movies try to do is to portray the chaos of combat. This is especially important if it's an anti ...
Imagine seeing the pin, screw and rod-riddled X-rays of Marine Corps Cpl. Kyle Carpenter's injuries from a grenade blast in Afghanistan; reading the ...
When filmmaker Travis Gutiérrez Senger reflects on ASCO’s legacy, he quickly notes they were more than an art group; they ...