Learn how to pick a home loan lender. To choose a mortgage lender, know which type of loan you want and what questions to ask ...
FHFA director Pulte called these programs inappropriate for regulated entities, which are in government conservatorship, but ...
If fewer listings are publicly accessible, first-timers and buyers in areas where PLN-friendly brokerages dominate could face ...
The measure, Senate Bill 1269, amends § 38.2-4809 of the Code of Virginia. Signed into law on March 19 by Governor Glenn ...
Mortgage rates are hovering in elevated territory, with a lot of uncertainty about where they're headed. But doing any of ...
Virginia home sales were down 9 percent in February from a year ago, and a 4.6 percent dip in the total amount of home-sales ...
Greysteel has brokered the $5.9 million sale of Mary Hardesty House, an affordable seniors housing community located in ...
Choosing whether to recast depends on how large of a payment you can make and whether you want a lower monthly payment or an ...
A Virginia REALTORS report of the latest state home sales was released on Tuesday. It revealed nine percent fewer homes were ...
National Cooperative Bank (NCB), a leading financial services company dedicated to providing banking products to cooperatives ...
Virginia-based Allied Title & Escrow is launching a new platform for real estate agents, offering lead generation, market insights and more.
There’s a new No. 1 atop the list of the nation’s largest mortgage lenders. In 2023 — the latest year for which data is ...