You can access your funds with an ATM card ... You can open many Wells Fargo accounts online or at any branch. Are Wells Fargo money market accounts FDIC insured? All Wells Fargo deposit accounts ...
With or without a relationship rate, Wells Fargo’s savings accounts pay below the national average savings account APY and far lower than the APYs available from the best online savings accounts.
Compare Today's Banking Offers Wells Fargo Review: Overall Rating Low rates on savings and CDs compared to online banks $2,500 minimum deposit required to open a CD High account minimum for ...
You'll have access to insured deposits following ... the Wells Fargo Way2Save® Savings Account or the Wells Fargo Platinum Savings Account online or at a branch. You must be at least 18 years ...
The bank also has Wells Fargo Special Fixed Rate CDs (with terms of seven months and 11 months) available. Rates on most of the CDs are meager compared to online banks and credit unions but are ...
Wells Fargo's savings account rates are among the lowest in the country. A high-yield savings account could earn a typical saver hundreds of dollars more each year -- and thousands more over time.