Legal immigration was 1.1 million a year under Biden, 1.1 million foreign students were in the US in 2023-24, and almost 3.5 ...
of California lemons are produced in the San Joaquin Valley and the small amount of sugar in lemons makes them especially vulnerable to freezes.
to California crops, primarily navel oranges in the San Joaquin Valley.
UN leaders met in New York City to discuss global issues amidst record temperatures and wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. Since the Paris agreement of 2015 to restrict carbon emissions, China has ...
Contact us at [email protected]. Past projects include: Farm Labor and Mexican Produce Exports, the Changing Face of Rural America, Research & Seminars, and the Sloan West Coast Program on Science ...
Smuggling is one of the world’s oldest professions. When nation states established borders and sought to regulate traffic across them, they created markets for the smuggling of humans as well as goods ...
Item six of the 1998 Santiago Summit of the Americas Plan of Action affirms the commitment of Western Hemisphere governments to recognize the rights of citizenship and nationality of the children of ...
The composition of the Florida farm work force has changed dramatically in the past 35 years. A statewide survey of farm labor in 1971 revealed that 56 percent of the workers were African-American and ...
Concern over labor is one of the most persistant topics in California agriculture. As we enter the Twenty-first Century, the questions of the nature of future California agricultural employment, who ...
Rural Migration News summarizes and analyzes the most important migration-related issues affecting immigrant farm workers in California and the United States during the preceding quarter. Topics are ...
CAR. From Interstate 80 east, get off at the city of Davis exit (not UC-Davis), go under the railroad tracks, and turn left on 1st St. Turn right on B St, and then left on 5th St (also known as ...