The members of St. Mary’s have always been part of the progressive, liberal theology of the Anglican Church, but we also enjoy the traditional settings of services mixed in with a more contemporary ...
By Katherine Murray  “Peace Train Canada is a resurrection of the peace movement.”  - Dr. Walter Dorn, advisor to Peace Train ...
We are a community of faith that strives to be both inclusive and engaging. We are a theologically diverse, thoughtful, and grounded group of people. We don’t require everyone to think the same way.
Please, come as you are! We wear anything from slacks and shorts to jeans and dresses. Information on parking, entrances, and our worship services can be found on the visitors page. We welcome all ...
Christ Church Cathedral’s ministry focuses on Open Hearts, Open Doors, Open Minds. This vision shapes and informs all that the Cathedral community does. This Cathedral Church is a community enriched ...
The Parish of Christ the Redeemer (and its predecessor Christ Church) has been worshipping on the top of the hill in Surrey Centre since 1882. Regular Sunday worship is in Christ the Redeemer across ...
This article was written by Kathrine Murray and was published in the March issue of Topic. In Lent we recall Jesus’s 40-day ...