compounds - Life cycle, life-cycle or lifecycle? - English Language ...
May 18, 2012 · The Wikipedia entry for Application_lifecycle_management links to the Software_Development_Life_Cycle so while I prefer the form "lifecycle" and believe use is trending that way generally (and especially in our industry of early-adopters) it is still often about context and audience.
Word for software which has been killed or is no longer supported
Dec 12, 2013 · The problem is that the end of software is not as distinct as it's start. On a legacy device old software might run just fine long after the developers have moved on and forgotten about it. The exact end of the software's life (or life cycle) depends largely on the attitudes of the person naming the software's demise.
word choice - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
This is intentionally done as part of the software development life cycle when transitioning from one system to another--all of the functionality of the old system is maintained in order to ensure that all past programs still work, and it gives the developers time to transition their code over to the new system.
When would you capitalize "Management", if ever?
Aug 1, 2013 · I think that Management as a proper noun ie. as in the management team / the name of a department in a company would be capitalised eg. "have you asked Management about this?" or in a title of a book. However I think the concept of management ie. management of people/ managing people would not be capitalised.
grammar - When to use "lives" as a plural of life? - English …
Aug 5, 2012 · Which form you choose (life or lives) depends on which meaning you are going after. One meaning of "life" is: life (n.) The period from birth to death. But a separate meaning is: life (n.) A particular type or aspect of human existence. The events and experiences that are typical of a particular place or group of people.
If annual means one year, is there any word for two,three, four.. year
Jul 29, 2011 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Continue or continues? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Feb 28, 2019 · Adam, my teachers here in America, taught us look to the phrasing itself. To my ear, ‘joy and love of life’ come as a piece, one is part and parcel of another. They are not separate experiences, thus they continue to inspire. Following it with ‘us all’ is another matter.
phrases - "at this stage" Vs. "in this stage" - English Language ...
Dec 12, 2018 · Going through a document for proof reading, I came across the phrase "In this stage, the model is put into operation" and was kind of confused. Mostly I had heard "At this stage ...", i.e. "at" ins...
"The committee has" vs. "the committee have" [duplicate]
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Why are there two different ways to spell "expediter"?
The expeditor is also responsible for making sure there is no line stopping situation for a business. The key metrics which an expeditor influences may be - Ontime Delivery, Cash Flow Cycle and Inventory Management. An expeditor needs to be assertive and needs to know the business at high contextual levels1