May 28, 2020 · 6 April 2023 Added extra copy and links on labelling to 'Food labelling, traceability, and vacuum packing courses' section; 31 March 2023 Changed related article at bottom; 31 …
Here are our top recommendations on chilling and freezing your food safely: your fridge should be between 0 and 5°C and your freezer should be around -18°C ; keep chilled food out of the …
Small fruits; Cut small round fruits like grapes, cherries, berries, strawberries and cherry tomatoes, into small pieces: cut lengthways and then again cut them in halves (quarters).
References to EU legislation in FSA guidance. Directly applicable EU legislation no longer applies in GB. EU legislation retained when the UK exited the EU became assimilated law on 1 …
References to EU legislation in FSA guidance. Directly applicable EU legislation no longer applies in GB. EU legislation retained when the UK exited the EU became assimilated law on 1 …
Safer food better business details the food safety management procedures for small businesses. This pack sets out your responsibilities, tells you how the SFBB packs should be used and …